Sunday, February 5, 2012

More Catching Up: Emmett's Racetrack Rug

Okay, it's not really finished. I still need to sew a back on it but I have to admit that may never, ever happen. I'd like to think that it would...maybe by his next birthday.

Full Racetrack Rug
Let's see, I started this in June, in Ohio, at knit night and finished it in September. Considering that it's about ten trillion single crochets, I think that's pretty good!

Racetrack Rug

I also made him a little car from this Steve the Car pattern.

The Car
I made a couple of changes: I left off the eyes and the buttons for hubcaps and made the wheels a little larger. It's actually pretty cute for a car.

I gave it to him for his first birthday and wasn't suprised when he had no interest in it at all. I left it laid out in his play area, though, after I took these photos and after he woke from his nap he went right over to it and started driving the car around the track! I wasn't fast enough to get a picture but as much as this kid already loves cars, I think there will be lots of other opportunities.
Ravlink: Racetrack Rug

Saturday, February 4, 2012

Everyone's Doing It

Pinning. Pinterest. Love.

I kind of want to do a weekly Pinterest thing. Maybe my top five favorite pins of the week or a pin that I've actually tried. But I'm not one for following through so it's still a "kind of want to" for sure.

Tonight I tried out something from my Crockpot Love board, though, and oh did I love it. It's impossible to find good Mexican food around here and it was one of my very favorite things to eat back in Ohio. The Mexican food here is either a little too sweet or they throw something strange like eggplant into the salsa. We went to Salisbury's Mexican restaurant on my birthday two years ago but walked out when I read that each meal came with a side of fries not tortilla chips. Being seven months pregnant or so, I knew that was a meal that would have ended in emotional, disappointed tears.

We're new to this crockpot thing. I had oen in the states but pretty much only used it for making this one cheese dip (Velveeta, salsa, cream and pimentos...I think that's all that went into it and it's delicious). I'm determined to use it for meals here, though. We had potatoes, onions, cream of mushroom soup and pork chops last week and it was good but not spectacular. Chicken tacos, though, with three simple ingredients...delicious! I used Chocolate Therapy's recipe. Salsa, chicken breasts and taco seasoning on high for four hours. I could go on for days about how good this was. Recently I've been rating good meals as food that makes me want to roll around on the floor. Why good food suddenly makes me want to behave like a dog, I have NO idea but this was definitely a floor roller.*

Anyway, it's so good that there's only a tiny bit left...

Chicken Tacos
Just enough to pile on top of baked potatoes with sour cream and cheese for dinner tomorrow!

Next time I'm going to try making my own taco shells like this but I'm going to give it a bit of tang with a suggestion from my cousin and rub them down with lime, sea salt and fresh chopped coriander. I couldn't be bothered with that tonight. Nor could I be bothered to take a photo of the tacos themselves. I just wanted to eat some decent Mexican food and this will certainly tide me over until we make it again! 

*I do not actually roll around on the floor in delight. I just really feel like it.


Friday, February 3, 2012

A Christmas Catch Up

Christmas was a bit strange this year. We waited until a few days before Christmas to put up the tree and when we did, it was just a four foot one with a few favorite ornaments because I just couldn't trust Emmett with a full sized tree full of bright, grabbable goodies. And it wasn't until Christmas was over that I realized we didn't take one photo. Not one. Video, yes, but no photos of Emmett's Real First Christmas. Sigh.

I made him a stocking this year. A colorful, scrappy one using this pattern.

Emmett's Stocking 2011

I had so much fun going through my stash and making up a ball of random bits and bobs. I wish now that I'd taken a photo of the ball before I used it all up - it was very pretty.

Emmett's Stocking Up CloseUnfortunately by the time we finishing finding things for his stocking, it was too small! So instead he used the stocking I crocheted two years ago (which I just realized I never photographed to add to Ravelry).

I also really got into making snowflakes for the front window. They're still up, in fact. A few toward the bottom of the window didn't stick around long as standing on his little blue stepstool in front of the window is one of Emmett's favorite things to do. 

I was finding it really hard to get a photo of the ones that are left. For one, the window is dirty. Two, the view outside isn't the prettiest: a street. And three, every photo I took had a blurry car in it. Then I happened to notice the sun shining through and the crazy shadows it created. Not a great representation on the snowflakes but a much better/interesting photo!

Paper Snowflakes
I kept meaning to make more but never got around to it. I did create a favorite, though, that didn't go in the window at all as I didn't want to destroy it. If I ever get around to mounting and framing it, I'll take a photo. For now it's folded up and stashed away from little hands.

Yikes, it's now one in the morning! I should really get to bed as Emmett will be ready to get up long before I will!